Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween!!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
15 Months
Tori had her 15-month appointment a couple of weeks ago, complete with 4 shots that she was not happy about. She is 20 pounds 12 ounces and 31 inches tall (18Th percentile for weight and 69Th percentile for height) and doing very well with words and motor skills. She loves to run up and down the hallways in our house, can point to her nose and belly and has 8 words that she says consistently. We were surprised to find out that she had another double ear infection since she was showing no symptoms. She has not gone more than three months without an ear infection since she was born so her pediatrician is pushing for her to get tubes. We opted for a recheck to see if there is still fluid in her ears after the infection is resolved before we make an appointment with an ENT. She is a happy little toddler, very curious and always getting into things. She loves her music class to we go to every Thursday, she wonders around and dances and sings. Her favorite part is at the end of class when they play with scarfs.My little helper's new thing is helping me unload the dishwasher. She will go back and forth from the dishwasher to the silver ware drawer and put every single piece in (its quite a reach and mommy has to straighten up afterwards). She is doing really well with the "lets put everything away" game with her toys also.
Playing some ball in the back yard.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Little Pumpkin
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
14 1/2 Months
Tori is becoming very independent. She doesn't even want to hold our hands when she walks anymore unless shes going up or down stairs. She definitely knows what she wants. She's getting such a personality. She laughs randomly, especially when she's in her car seat, and she still eats just about everything we give her. She may chew for a second, pull it out of her mouth, look at it, and put it back in her mouth but she usually eats it. She loves music and loves to dance, clap, and stomp her feet. She's so much fun!